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Alaya, Sun & Clouds.HEIC

W e   b e l i e v e   e v e r y t h i n g   i s   i n t e r c o n n e c t e d


Systemic and universal challenges persist.


Global pandemic fallout, youth unemployment, mental health explosion, domestic violence spikes, bushfires, unstable fragmented communities,  national underemployment, dictatorships, global political unrest, welfare dependancy, misinformation, nationwide conflicts, gender inequality, class inequality, racial divides, cities under pressure, automation vs. jobs, failing global health systems, climate focused risks, global refugee crisis', weak food systems, hate, injustice and fear.

We do not claim to know how to define or solve all these issues, we simply wish to embody an inclusive world that is undivided by walls and operates more at peace with each other, with nature and this beautiful country.

In a world is that currently united in its division and inequality, here in Australia we have a unique opportunity to peacefully embody hope and break down barriers between us. From the national community that we host with, to the team we employ and the guests we welcome.

Housing is a basic human right for every Australian and indeed global citizen. A place of shelter, comfort and safety is something we all search for. Alaya provides the opportunity to reimagine the way we co-exist by providing neutral, non-judgmental places of rest. We want to offer accomodation that can be used a place of refuge in crisis, or a destination to escape, switch off and immerse in nature. We have a desire to offer minimalist dwellings that encourage guests to re-use rather than consume, reignite passions and reimagine a more beautiful and loving world.

Home is where the heart is


Alaya is ultimately about creating the feeling of being home, wherever you are. Whether you stay in a stand alone glamping tent or a fully autonomous community, our sites and partners create unique connections to nature and remind us of the simple things in life.

Minimalist, efficient & sustainable but also comfortable & welcoming. 

In the longer term, we plan to add solar and food growing systems plus establish regional communities and travel networks. Alaya accomodation is made with love in our workshops, whilst training and employing people who have fallen through the gaps in our society.


From humble beginnings in the Central Coast, North of Sydney, we are slowly and meticulously building a simple but beautiful, modular, glamping, housing and accomodation system, that can redefine the way people travel and live. At the same time providing training, employment and empowerment opportunities for vulnerable people in our communities.


Our dream is a network of welcoming homes and potentially villages around the country (and maybe one day around the world) that allow individuals and families to connect, work and live, whilst exploring the culture and natural beauty of this wonderful place. Our vision is mobile, off grid, sustainable temporary accomodation that travels lightly and mindfully.

From humble beginnings, Alaya hopes to build more and more sanctuaries. Creating connections with hosts around the country and growing income and shared value with them in a true partnership. This a long term vision and a global journey and as we take our first step, we invite you to join us.


We want to build a national network of memorable and sustainable places to stay. Places to rest, to heal and to connect with nature. We hope to find people that share these aspirations and want to come with us on this journey.

B E C O M E   A   H O S T

If you would like to become an Alaya host and help to curate memorable experiences for our guests, we want to hear from you. We will be looking to employ job seekers in regional areas who can thrive in a role that is flexible, repetitive and empowering.

O U R    R E V E N U E    S H A R E    M O D E L

We're looking for beautiful places where Alaya can flourish. If you have a property and want to collaborate with us please get in touch. We are all about partnerships and our cabins were built to last , so we even have zero upfront cost models that will allow you to generate income from day one without having to spend a cent.

We empower people who have fallen through the gaps, to build sanctuaries that break down walls.

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